Thursday, June 21, 2007

no twitter here

So I read a story yesterday about a mom who sends out TWO DOZEN little messages a day to hundreds of her friends and relatives and others who subscribe to the web site. Her topics: Eating too many chocolate espresso beans, putting off her to-do list, her kids' farts. Who wants to read that drivel? Yikes, what a waste of time and brain matter.

But this is no waste -- it's a great big blog race!

Here's what's up for today in the Greater Cleveland area.
Today, Friday and Saturday are the last performances, at 8 p.m. each night, of the Straw Hat Theatre's "The Wizard of Oz." Directed by Linda Fundis of Austinburg, it's at the Ashtabula Arts Center, 2928 W. 13th St. in lovely Ashtabula. Tickets are $10 adults, $8 kids. Call 440-964-3396.

It's a big party on the other side of town in Avon Lake starting tonight with the Avon Lake Summer Carnival through Sunday at the Learwood Square Shopping Center (Lear and Walker road). The carnival goes from 5 to 11 p.m. today, and then 1 to 11 p.m. Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Kids will love the carnival rides, games, pony rides food and other stuff. Call 440-933-3129.

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